SMOOC is about to begin! We’re so excited!

Join us! The MOOC starts 3/24 and lasts for 4 weeks. You can join for all or just part if you prefer.

Module 1 (Week 1): Curation
Module 2 (Week 2): Social Media Lessons
Module 3 (Week 3): Personal Learning Networks
Module 4 (Week 4): Privacy and Ethics

Guess Who’s Taking My MOOC?

The Social Media for Active Learning MOOC starts in less than a week. I’m so excited! People are hearing about it (we only started marketing last week) and signing up.

I was surprised when I found out who one of the participants was — and that she really wants to participate. Want to learn more? Watch the video.


(I’ve started making a few little videos, each about a minute long, about different elements of the MOOC. If you would like me to make one of these videos on any particular topic, feel free to leave a request in the comments.)